JY&A Media
Our books

For over 30 years, we’ve been publishing for others—and in 2023, we began looking for opportunities to build our own imprint.


Panos: My Life, My Odyssey

Ipsa scientia gaudium est

Since our founding in 1987, we’ve been publishing books for our clients. It was only recently, however, that we began thinking seriously about publishing books under our own imprint. After all, we had over 30 years’ experience with magazines.

The Autocade Yearbook bridged the two categories, as an annual in a magazine-like A4 format. Our second title, Panos: My Life, My Odyssey was originally published by LID Publishing, who graciously allowed us to do the paperback version, which has been reset to our own house style.

Other titles will follow. We’re currently in the non-fiction space but will look at expanding this further.

We retail through our own shop, Libriz, and will be happy to consider other business arrangements and distribution channels.